04/07 - 04/04
"I take you with me through my heart (”passions”).
My dreams, experiences, and creative excesses. The main subject is my internship at Plastic Ocean, for which I spent six months in South Africa. But I notice that there is so much more to it than just an internship. It is more of a life project.”
"I take you with me through my heart (”passions”).
My dreams, experiences, and creative excesses. The main subject is my internship at Plastic Ocean, for which I spent six months in South Africa. But I notice that there is so much more to it than just an internship. It is more of a life project.”


The ‘barn of treasures’ is our sacred space. Thirz and I have the same excitement about the plastic “treasures” we find. ‘Look at this toothbrush!!’. This is where we kept and “organized” the treasury trash we found.
Ek kan jou water gee
Maar nie aanhoudende lopende water nie
Dis 'n stroom
'N stroom wat ons sal moet deel
Ek kan jou liefde gee om te ervaar
Maar nie lief om te hê en te hou nie
Soos liefde nie gemeet kan word nie
In gram en liter
En soos lug het dit geen waarde as dit gestoor word nie
En moenie asemhaal nie
Dit is die oomblik van die lewe
En die lig wat skyn
In water wat dit laat glinster
Ja, dit is die angs wat aan ekstase ly
En die realiteit bestaan uit beide
Maar nie aanhoudende lopende water nie
Dis 'n stroom
'N stroom wat ons sal moet deel
Ek kan jou liefde gee om te ervaar
Maar nie lief om te hê en te hou nie
Soos liefde nie gemeet kan word nie
In gram en liter
En soos lug het dit geen waarde as dit gestoor word nie
En moenie asemhaal nie
Dit is die oomblik van die lewe
En die lig wat skyn
In water wat dit laat glinster
Ja, dit is die angs wat aan ekstase ly
En die realiteit bestaan uit beide


I have quite sensitive ears. I'm not scared or itchy about many things, but my stomach turns when I see someone putting in an earring. Or such a torn wattle. Yoke. I always dreamed of being able to wear earrings. Such a nice long strand that when you put your hair up it falls nicely along your neck and touches your shoulder.According to Chinese medicine, very important meridians run through our bodies, especially in our ears. Energy pathways through which our life energy, or our 'Qi', flows. If such a meridian is interrupted or blocked, this can cause emotional and physical problems.
We all say we are becoming more and more 'conscious', but our ears are almost blown off by the amount of holes we penetrate into them.
When I looted my grandmother's jewelry box (with her permission), I came across a treasure trove of clip earrings and from that day on, I started saving. Thrift shops for old-fashioned treasures. I am very fond of natural beauty. A beauty that I find in natural stone and animals.
That's how I got the idea to make my DO-LION CLIPIES line with my craft fingers.
I hope that with these earrings I can make people aware of the holes through which we damage our bodies, especially disrupt the meridians. And you don't need those holes at all to decorate our body in a (more) natural way!


Ek is lief vir die wêreld
Omdat sy so onvolmaak is
So vol probleme
Rou rande
Verskeie onbegaanbare paaie
Soek mense
Kris krap saam
Ek is so lief vir die wêreld
Omdat sy so vol van lig is
Ons staan almal saam in hierdie wêreld
Liggies en soet, in die lewe, dans, sing
Al dieselfde
Alles so persoonlik
Kruis mekaar in volle emosie
Elke hoofrol in sy eie film.
Ek is so lief vir die wêreld
Omdat sy heeltemal op haar eie manier gaan
Vloeiend van seisoen tot seisoen
Met wat is daar en kom en gaan
So ontwykend
Soveel om te ontdek
Af en toe anders as wat ek gedink het.
Ek is so lief vir die wêreld
Omdat ek haar heeltemal verstaan
As al daardie wysheid saam val
Die ongelooflike slimheid van die natuur
Omdat ek soms so min van haar verstaan
Te kompleks, ook betrokke
Te groot om te kyk
Ek is so lief vir die wêreld
Vol drome
Vol van skoonheid wat bereik is
Vol lelike situasies wat ontstaan
Hanteer alles heeltemal
Opbou. Groei en blom.
Van ons.
Met ons.
Oneindig oud en altyd innoverend.


What a beauty and what a pain.
During our little trip, the plastic inspired me so much. There is so much plastic laying on the beach and stuck inbetween rocks, you just can't pick up everything. Some things you have to leave because it is too big or unusable (normally we throw away the unusable, but now there was so much that was usable that you couldn't carry it all).
With large IKEA bags we walked on the beach and dunes. It felt like a kind of shopping. A game, searching for the perfect piece of waste. Super ambiguous of course. We have walked to sore muscles and spaghetti legs. It's so addictive. It also makes your head very calm in one way or another, of course because of the beautiful surroundings where you actually walk, but also the little bit that can help the environment.
Big tanks from Japan, toothbrushes (my favourite), lighters, lots, lots, bottles. Pieces of crate, shoes and a lot of unrecognizable things. Some pieces have been in the salty water for so long that it is so brittle that just by looking at it, it transforms into little pieces of confetti.
What a beauty and what a pain.
During our little trip, the plastic inspired me so much. There is so much plastic laying on the beach and stuck inbetween rocks, you just can't pick up everything. Some things you have to leave because it is too big or unusable (normally we throw away the unusable, but now there was so much that was usable that you couldn't carry it all).
With large IKEA bags we walked on the beach and dunes. It felt like a kind of shopping. A game, searching for the perfect piece of waste. Super ambiguous of course. We have walked to sore muscles and spaghetti legs. It's so addictive. It also makes your head very calm in one way or another, of course because of the beautiful surroundings where you actually walk, but also the little bit that can help the environment.
Big tanks from Japan, toothbrushes (my favourite), lighters, lots, lots, bottles. Pieces of crate, shoes and a lot of unrecognizable things. Some pieces have been in the salty water for so long that it is so brittle that just by looking at it, it transforms into little pieces of confetti.



Wallpaint I made for Thirza and Braz
Ek is lief vir jou hare.
Jou appelwange.
Jou blou pop oë.
Jou onontbeerlike brul lag.
Ek is lief vir jou koppigheid.
U eie bespotting.
Ek is lief vir jou abnormale swak wat bestaan uit ‘n massa spicegirl sportiewe atmosfeer met ouma, outydse.
Ek is lief vir jou kreatiewe gees.
Ek is lief vir jou kakkies.
Jy lekker klein hande met die beste tikkie vingers waarvan die helfte lang (geel) naels en die ander kortes het.
Ek is lief vir hoe jy my laat slaap.
Ek is lief vir jou diep slaap.
Ek is mal oor hoe jou mond oop is as jy slaap.
Ek is lief vir jou postuur wanneer jy uitgelê word om te slaap.
Ek is lief vir jou palmboedel poedel op jou kop.
Ek is lief vir jou slaperige glimlag as ek jou skielik van jou droom afbreek.
Ek is lief vir jou kop wanneer jy sê: “LAAAHHHGGNNN” en neem jou onderlip met jou tande en kyk met jou oë opwaarts.
Ek is lief vir die manier waarop jy dans.
Ek is lief vir jou Samantha-tye.
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy soms beter weet wat ek wil as myself. Ek is lief vir hoe goed jy my kan voel en aanvul.
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy altyd my rug het, en jy kan jouself regtig uitvloei. (“Almal weet sms hoe my dick lyk” ...)
Ek is lief vir hoe ek in jou oë sien hoeveel jy van my hou.
Ek is lief vir jou Hermione sak.
Ek hou daarvan om met jou wyn te drink.
Ek is lief vir jou om te kyk in Bed Pos die hele dag en drink piesangbrood en wit etiket hawer koffie.
Ek is lief vir die deel van ons nimmereindigende stories.
Ek hou van klein karaktersverhale.
Ek is lief vir ons skreeu, aangesluit. Cat whine.
Ek hou van ons laat aandkoekies.
Ek is lief vir ons reis deur Suid-Oos Asië.
Ek is lief vir die manier waarop jy ontwikkel.
Ek hou van die manier waarop jy my en my outistiese wense in ag neem.
Ek is lief vir wanneer jy rooiwyn bring.
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy alles vir my het.
Ek is lief vir dat ek weet jy is lief vir my.
Ek is lief vir die feit dat jy my vrou is.
Ek is lief vir die manier waarop jy my komplimente kan gee.
Ek is lief vir jou intieme knuffel.
Ek is lief vir jou sonbrilversameling wat jou wonderlik maak.
Ek is lief vir die foto wat jy maak.
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy altyd mooi foto’s van my maak.
Ek hou van die effek van elke projek wat jy maak.
Ek is lief vir jou dromerigheid.
Ek hou van die feit dat ek onbepaald kan voortgaan met tik waarom ek jou liefhet.
Ek is lief vir jou vrees vir insekte, slote, fatamorganas, die lewe.
Ek is lief vir jou sukkel met jou gevoelens vir sekere seuns.
Ek hou van humor. Jou mega moeder natuur het hilarious humor gegee.
Ek is lief vir jou drome. Ek is lief vir die oggend dat jy gedroom het jou drome droom.
Ek hou van hoe jy altyd laat word, tensy jy by my is (byna die hele week).
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy altyd by my slaap.
Ek is lief vir hoe jy nooit omgee as ‘n seun jou plek in my bed vat nie.
Ek is lief vir hoe eerlik ek met jou kan wees.
Ek is lief vir hoe goed jy voel en verstaan my.
Ek hou van die beeld van die oomblik wat jy op ons eerste dag in die klaskamer versprei het. (Dan was jy reeds geklee op jou toe-toekoms GLIT-H).
Ek hou van ons FLAWLESS brak foto.
Ek is lief vir piesang pannekoeke saam met jou.
Ek is mal daaroor dat jy my altyd laat lei, maar ook weet wanneer jy dit soms moet optel.
Ek is lief vir jou geduld met my geïrriteerde Do.
Ek is lief vir jou luisterende oor.
Ek is lief vir jou musiek smaak.
Ek is lief vir jou ‘n duisend miljoen onvoorwaardelike liefde vir my.
Dit is SO MUTE.
Al die soen van die wêreld.

The idea of my pakske actually came because I was playing with colouring. I've always really liked drawing (naked) bodies, I started putting some of my drawings together and thought it would be a very nice print. I wanted to make a wrap pants myself anyway, but which color or the details were still missing. Pakskes are life so 1 + 1 was 2 for me. I sent my drawings to Thirza and she was immediately enthusiastic; "Yeah, you're going to make me this!”. The next day we went to a textile store, 'Fashion Factory', where we immediately found the perfect buttons, ‘hupsake, we take that with us’. Later I went to 'Deckle', a very large craft store and bought a number of textile markers there. I have a background in fashion design, so I do have insight into patterns and “how to put something together”. We were able to borrow a sewing machine from Thirza's neighbour Pearl from her 'Shop van Sinkel shed'. Let’s go! It was loads of work to draw the print, since I draw it from “the loose hand” (like I do everything, Dolians), and had no structure in how I would put the bodies together. Also, the fabric is a coarsely woven cotton, which peels off quickly, so I had to be careful not to end up with two strands. The buttonholes were fiddly, but this kind of fiddling calms me down. And of course I couldn't wait for the end result!

The moment Ali and I saw sparks.
I just arrived in CT and went back to all my loved andmissed places. So as the Biscuit Mill on Saturday morning. The sun was out and I felt light and filled with love. All the market stand were inspiring. Then my eyes fell on this beautifull, red headed creature. She was managing the SAMA SAMA stand with these AMAZING dungarees. I told her straight that I thought (still think) she’s beautifull. Just because. We got in this amazing conversation and it felt like we knew each other for a long long time already. We exchanged numbers and 3 days after we went for coffee, talked about life and what creative shit we could do together. Since then, we go on our missions.
Thank you for being your wonderfull self.
The moment Ali and I saw sparks.
I just arrived in CT and went back to all my loved andmissed places. So as the Biscuit Mill on Saturday morning. The sun was out and I felt light and filled with love. All the market stand were inspiring. Then my eyes fell on this beautifull, red headed creature. She was managing the SAMA SAMA stand with these AMAZING dungarees. I told her straight that I thought (still think) she’s beautifull. Just because. We got in this amazing conversation and it felt like we knew each other for a long long time already. We exchanged numbers and 3 days after we went for coffee, talked about life and what creative shit we could do together. Since then, we go on our missions.
Thank you for being your wonderfull self.


Cello, Coca-Cola, MTN, with shimmering eyes Thirza takes me by the hand into the living room; "Do, look what I’ve found!". A salty sea washed blue parasol from Cello. Of course I get excited about that too. "Yeah, we have to make it into a dress for the opening!!" I find a way to wrap the parasol around Thirza, without cutting or editing. In some bizarre way, the dress is super chic. Thirza pulls on her heels. DONE!
The Coca-Cola parasol followed later. 'Pants!!'. And to close the collection, a yellow MTN.
During my last braai at Thirza and Braz (for now), after some wine, Thirza's mother puts on the chic Cello, Thirza the MTN set, Susi the Coca-Cola pants and Kim the MTN dress. SHOOT TIME. In front of the dark hole, where we’d normally see the beautiful ocean view is, I put my delicious gang of misery together. With icing on the cake Bruin crawling between Sus' legs with one of my personalized buckets.
Passionate surrender.
Cello, Coca-Cola, MTN, with shimmering eyes Thirza takes me by the hand into the living room; "Do, look what I’ve found!". A salty sea washed blue parasol from Cello. Of course I get excited about that too. "Yeah, we have to make it into a dress for the opening!!" I find a way to wrap the parasol around Thirza, without cutting or editing. In some bizarre way, the dress is super chic. Thirza pulls on her heels. DONE!
The Coca-Cola parasol followed later. 'Pants!!'. And to close the collection, a yellow MTN.
During my last braai at Thirza and Braz (for now), after some wine, Thirza's mother puts on the chic Cello, Thirza the MTN set, Susi the Coca-Cola pants and Kim the MTN dress. SHOOT TIME. In front of the dark hole, where we’d normally see the beautiful ocean view is, I put my delicious gang of misery together. With icing on the cake Bruin crawling between Sus' legs with one of my personalized buckets.
Passionate surrender.


'The collectables series' is actually an introductory shoot. In the morning I meet with Bruin at his house about what we use as a studio/decor because of the beautiful light and the white walls that play as a light reflector.
The idea behind 'collectables' is that Bruin and I both really like "unusual" clothes. We have had our own style since childhood and get our "little treasures" from everywhere and nowhere. Bruin and I rummage through our closets and look for nice, "storytelling" combinations.
When we have selected the sets, Thirza comes with her eye for color and detail to take the photos. She falls in love with my striped suit so we started making the first test shots. At the beginning I feel a bit uncomfortable in front of the lens instead of behind it, but I feel at home with Thirza and Bruin plus they give me good instructions so that curtain falls away quickly. This is pretty fun! And good to experience the other side. During the sets it flows quickly and we playfully come up with new cool settings. I learn about beneficial ways of posture, positions, and light. Noticing details and use of the space that’s already there.
Love this shit.
Inspired at once.
'The collectables series' is actually an introductory shoot. In the morning I meet with Bruin at his house about what we use as a studio/decor because of the beautiful light and the white walls that play as a light reflector.
The idea behind 'collectables' is that Bruin and I both really like "unusual" clothes. We have had our own style since childhood and get our "little treasures" from everywhere and nowhere. Bruin and I rummage through our closets and look for nice, "storytelling" combinations.
When we have selected the sets, Thirza comes with her eye for color and detail to take the photos. She falls in love with my striped suit so we started making the first test shots. At the beginning I feel a bit uncomfortable in front of the lens instead of behind it, but I feel at home with Thirza and Bruin plus they give me good instructions so that curtain falls away quickly. This is pretty fun! And good to experience the other side. During the sets it flows quickly and we playfully come up with new cool settings. I learn about beneficial ways of posture, positions, and light. Noticing details and use of the space that’s already there.
Love this shit.
Inspired at once.

It is quite difficult to (completely) ban plastic from your life. It is everywhere. But once it's in your head, you can't get it out (to the chagrin of those around you who often aren't that far yet). The lid you press on your coffee to go when you rush to your train. The pack of chewing gum that you bought at a discount at Kruidvat. The bag of 'misfits' apples.
What I love to notice is that every little bit really helps. I have already conveyed my consciousness to others through my stories and enthusiasm, thereby making them enthusiastic to contribute their bit. My mom and stepfather pick up plastic from the beaches in the Netherlands, my friends always have a canvas bag with them and my father separates his waste very seriously.
How I pursue life and how I fill my life comes out of instinct. That's what I'm most inspired by. I have noticed that with my positive vibe and confidence I inspire and attract people and with that build the best bonds and create a diversity of works.
Working at Plastic Ocean has shown me that I can complement others very well, I like to help people, but certainly up to a certain level. I want to be able to give free rein to my own creative mind without having to take into account someone else's view, or assignment (like school).
All the projects I've done besides Plastic Ocean have proven to me that free work is my strength and my way of life. I embrace my mishmash, DO-LION centipede finds her way in everything.
My life book does not tell half all my developments and experiences but I hope I can inspire people with it 'to live with passionate surrender'. Trust life and trust yourself. Take everything as a challenge and never stop learning.
It is quite difficult to (completely) ban plastic from your life. It is everywhere. But once it's in your head, you can't get it out (to the chagrin of those around you who often aren't that far yet). The lid you press on your coffee to go when you rush to your train. The pack of chewing gum that you bought at a discount at Kruidvat. The bag of 'misfits' apples.
What I love to notice is that every little bit really helps. I have already conveyed my consciousness to others through my stories and enthusiasm, thereby making them enthusiastic to contribute their bit. My mom and stepfather pick up plastic from the beaches in the Netherlands, my friends always have a canvas bag with them and my father separates his waste very seriously.
How I pursue life and how I fill my life comes out of instinct. That's what I'm most inspired by. I have noticed that with my positive vibe and confidence I inspire and attract people and with that build the best bonds and create a diversity of works.
Working at Plastic Ocean has shown me that I can complement others very well, I like to help people, but certainly up to a certain level. I want to be able to give free rein to my own creative mind without having to take into account someone else's view, or assignment (like school).
All the projects I've done besides Plastic Ocean have proven to me that free work is my strength and my way of life. I embrace my mishmash, DO-LION centipede finds her way in everything.
My life book does not tell half all my developments and experiences but I hope I can inspire people with it 'to live with passionate surrender'. Trust life and trust yourself. Take everything as a challenge and never stop learning.

All rights reserved
© Dolian Mara Oosterman 2025
© Dolian Mara Oosterman 2025